2013Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Nevada
Rehab stands for rehabilitation. In the state of Nevada, the rehab program is a very carefully laid out program to help the person overcome his or her addiction and get into a proper means of recovery.
The very intention of the program is to eliminate the addiction problem and lead the person towards living a sober life ahead.
The first part of the rehab treatment in Nevada is a pretreatment analysis where the extent of the addiction in the person is analyzed and it is decided whether the person will need to be put into a detox program or not. If the person needs a detox program, then the severity and extent of this program is decided. Generally, the detox program in Nevada doesn’t last for more than three to seven days. During the detox, the main intention is to purge the body of the toxins that may have accumulated within it during the addiction.
Depending on whether it was an alcohol addiction or drug addiction, and what drug it was, a medication will be decided to allow the person come over the withdrawal symptoms. This medication will be slowly reduced as the withdrawal symptoms begin to subside.
Then the addiction treatment program in Nevada continues as an aftercare therapy, where relapse prevention will be a major part of the treatment. There will be individual as well as group counseling provided during this part of the treatment. The person is then discharged from the rehab, but the treatment can continue with maintenance medication and counseling sessions spread out in regular sessions.