2015A Review of Quiet Creek Farm, Inc.
Addiction is a recurring illness and even though alcoholics and drug addicts can recover, abstinence can be very difficult and challenging to maintain. Recovery from addiction is a lifelong process and for many recovering individuals, long term treatment is needed to maintain sobriety while learning to manage their daily life clean and sober.
The residential treatment program Quiet Creek Farm in Kentucky provides offers a healing, therapeutic and peaceful recovery journey to chemically dependent men. Quiet Creek Farm is a structured long-term rehab facility and very unique. Their addiction rehab program is 12 step based, includes equine (horse) therapy and residents have the opportunity to recover at their own pace.
Addiction recovery is a very personal and often difficult healing journey that requires time and lifestyle changes. In a safe, comfortable and serene setting, male residents of Quiet Creek Farm gain the ability to modify their thoughts and behaviors and receive the knowledge and personal help necessary to sustain long term sobriety.