2014A Review of Meta House Inc
Women battling any type of chemical dependency can end their painful cycle of addiction and begin healing their life when they seek help from Meta House in Wisconsin. Meta House in Wisconsin is a residential treatment facility specifically for women suffering with substance use problems and has been in existence for more than 5 decades.
Meta House residential substance abuse program for women is of high quality and very unique. They were among the nation’s first to provide drug and alcohol treatment in a residential setting specifically for women and among the first to include children in that setting as well.
At Meta House, children below the age of ten are able to remain with their mothers during their treatment stay which is just one of the many unique aspects of their residential program. Treatment at Meta House addresses each woman’s entire life not just her substance use and provides healing and recovery not only to the woman but to her children as well.
Females obtaining treatment for substance use and chemical dependency at Meta House are women, mothers and pregnant women battling the traumatic and devastating effects of addiction. Chemically dependent women at Meta House receive the personal help and support they need to heal their lives, improve their parenting skills, be successful in their recovery from addiction and live productive lifestyles.