2013A Review of Journey Home
During adolescents, teens commonly experiment with drugs and alcohol and sadly many of them develop serious problems and require treatment for chemical dependency at a very young age. Like many adults, numerous adolescents are struggling with mental health problems and other serious issues and turn to substance use to escape and make themselves feel better.
Today parents everywhere are faced with obtaining help for their teen which is a very difficult decision to make because there’s so many different treatment options to decide upon. A long term residential treatment program can be very effective for anyone suffering with addiction because they’re safe, substance free, structured and offer around the clock personal care and support.
The Journey Home Inc.
Adolescent females battling chemical dependency can obtain excellent high quality treatment from The Journey Home in Denham Springs, Louisiana. The Journey Home is a residential program that provides long term treatment for chemically dependent/dual diagnosed females ages fourteen and above and their programs are exceptional.
Female residents of The Journey Home can obtain the personal help and support they need to achieve a level of recovery that can last them a lifetime for many reasons. Each resident’s treatment is based on their own unique personal needs. The Journey Home utilizes a whole person approach to treatment so female residents are able to achieve overall lasting recovery. There’s also no specific length of stay at The Journey Home.
The length of time female residents remain in treatment is determined upon their individual progress allowing them to receive the personal help they need to reach long lasting sobriety and recovery which is remarkable. If you’re seeking a residential treatment program for a chemically dependent female fourteen and above, you’ll find excellent high quality care from The Journey Home in Denham Springs, Louisiana.