2015A Review of McKenna Recovery Center-Ke Ala Pono Hilo
It may not seem so but active addiction is a very sad, depressing and lonely time in a person’s life. Because substance abuse is so intense and powerful, people using drugs or alcohol and individuals addicted to them need effective treatment to fully recover. Breaking substance use and addiction doesn’t happen quickly though and the recovery journey can be emotionally and physically challenging.
Effective substance abuse treatment is tailored to the individual’s personal issues with drug or alcohol use and other underlying problems they may have. Effective treatment also includes the knowledge, skills and recovery tools recovering individuals need to make personal life changes they can maintain throughout their life.
In Hawaii, good quality effective treatment for substance use disorders can be obtained at McKenna Recovery Center and their services are available in 3 different outpatient facility locations. At McKenna Recovery Center, the staff is highly qualified and specialize in treating in treating substance abuse, chemical addictions and co-occurring mental health conditions so patients receive excellent care.
McKenna Recovery Center in Hawaii provides intensive alcohol and drug addiction treatment that’s confidential and received in an outpatient setting. They offer effective individualized substance abuse and chemical dependency treatment programs for adolescents, adults and professionals in need of recovery.