2013A Review of Serenity Park INC
Many people who are looking for a residential substance abuse program that provides chemical free living and quality treatment for both men and women also want a facility that has years of experience in treating addiction. Some people are also seeking a treatment program that provides gender specific treatment and not co-ed substance abuse programs. It’s not uncommon for men and women to feel more comfortable when they’re in an environment with their same gender during substance abuse treatment.
Residential Treatment in Little Rock, Arkansas
An effective substance abuse program that provides residential treatment for both men and women including an aftercare program is located in Little Rock, Arkansas called Serenity Park. They’re a non-profit organization that’s been providing people in Arkansas with quality substance abuse treatment for over 30 years. Their treatment is 12-Step based and includes individual counseling, group counseling and family counseling as well as many other services.
Serenity Park provides separate treatment services for their men and women clients so they can provide them with the effective quality treatment they need during their recovery. They provide chemical free living in their Men’s Facility and in their Women’s Facility and provide a wide range of services so their clients are able to overcome their use of drugs or alcohol, work through problems, and develop the tools they need to live a happy chemical free lifestyle once their treatment is completed.
If you’re looking for a residential treatment program in Arkansas that has years of experience treating substance abuse and addiction and provides quality 12 Step based programs for men and women, Serenity Park can provide what you’re looking for and more. Their staff works with their clients every step of the way as they work toward their long term sobriety providing knowledge, support and an effective path of recovery.