2011A Review of Al-Anon Family Group Rehabilitation Center In Iowa
The Al-Anon Family Group is a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who gather together and share their experiences, strengths, and hope in order to solve their common problems. Al-Anon believes alcoholism is a family illness and that through changed attitudes it can aid recovery.
Al-Anon is a wonderful program that has been helping people for over 55 years. They also offer Alateen for their younger members. Al-Anon offers strength and hope to friends and families of alcoholics and problem drinkers. Al-Anon was started in 1951 by Lois Wilson and Alateen was started in 1957 because spouses of the problem drinker as well as their children require treatment too.
The purpose of Al-Anon in Iowa as well as Al-Anon everywhere is to help the families of alcoholics. This is done by practicing the Twelve Steps, giving comfort and welcoming families of alcoholics, and by giving encouragement and understanding to the alcoholic.
Al-Anon’s program of recovery is based on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. These Steps are their foundation for personal recovery in Al-Anon and the Traditions help Al-Anon groups to sustain their unity and fellowship. The Twelve Concepts of Service provide guidance for service in the Al-anon fellowship.
There are many wonderful Rehabilitation Centers available for those in need of treatment for substance abuse and addiction and Al-Anon is there for the family, friends, and relatives that have the alcoholic and problem drinker in their life.
Many times those who come to Al-Anon and Alateen feel hopeless and unable to believe that their lives can change. When Al-Anon members share stories and experiences they find strength and hope with each other. It doesn’t matter whether the alcoholic in their lives continues drinking or not, the Al-Anon members learn to find a better way of life and happiness through their fellowship.