2015A Review of Exodus House
Whether a person’s addicted to drugs or alcohol the destructive impact addiction has on their life can sadly destroy them mentally, emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually. Even though chemical addiction is a disease that can’t be cured, addicted individuals can achieve a gratifying lifestyle of sobriety.
In Wisconsin, adult men battling alcoholism and drug addiction receiving treatment from Exodus House are able to attain the help and guidance they need to live life clean and sober embracing their sobriety daily. Exodus House in Wisconsin is a Transitional Living Facility for chemically dependent men that consists of a 90 day inpatient treatment stay.
The Exodus House is a safe, structured and supportive living environment that offers a 12-Step based drug and alcohol treatment program consisting of a continuum of extraordinary care. Residents are men eighteen and older dependent on addictive substances willing to work the Exodus House program. The recovery journey from active addiction doesn’t have to be a lonely discouraging experience, at Exodus House residents don’t have to recover alone.