2014A Review of Winds of Change, LLC Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Alcohol dependence and drug addiction can be so powerful that no matter how deeply affected an addicts life becomes they’re unable to overcome their addiction very easily, even for those that have already obtained treatment. If you’re chemically dependent and are ready to obtain the necessary help you need to beat your addiction, the residential drug and alcohol treatment program Winds of Change provides is superb as well as unique.
Located in Oklahoma, Winds of Change provides chemical dependency treatment in a relaxing, peaceful and healing environment. The resident’s treatment stay at Winds of Change takes place in a log cabin style dwelling where they’re received by staff as an addition to their extended treatment family. Chemically dependent individuals have different recovery needs. At Winds of Change, the resident’s treatment is based on their individual unique recovery needs and so is their length of stay.
Due to life’s challenges and difficulties faced during recovery from chemical dependency recovering addicts struggle remaining clean and sober. Residential treatment at Winds of Change includes the necessary knowledge, tools and support chemically dependent individuals need to begin their journey and achieve a lifetime of recovery success.