2013A Review of Caldwell House
If recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction was as easy as most people think, there wouldn’t be nearly as many people suffering set-backs and relapsing during their early recovery. Most people recovering from addiction need inpatient treatment so they can detox and remain clean and sober in a substance free environment while they work on their recovery. Drugs or alcohol have been a big part of their lives for an extended period of time and they need to learn how to live life clean and sober now. This is why half way homes are so beneficial for recovering alcoholics and addicts.
Half-way House for Men Recovering from Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
Caldwell House in North Carolina understands the difficulties people go through when they’re recovering from their addiction. They provide a Half-way house for men recovering from alcoholism or drug addiction and have been doing so for more than two decades. They provide their male residents with a therapeutic program in a safe and healthy environment so they can learn how to adjust to living life clean and sober on a daily basis.
There are specific admissions criteria male residents have to meet at Caldwell House and the average length of time residents stay is eight to twelve months. Caldwell House has provided recovery programs for thousands since their Half-way house was established and they also provide many other services to their community as well.
It’s not easy adjusting to life without the use of drugs or alcohol but when you’re able to continue your recovery in a safe and sober living environment and receive help, guidance and support at the same time, it’s much easier re-entering into society.